Sunday, May 31, 2020
Death and Disaster Response Paper - 275 Words
Death and Disaster Response Paper (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Professor:Class title:Date:Death and Disaster Response PaperThe 14th c is often described as a disastrous era. It is during this time when the hundred yearsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ war between France and England began. Papal schism was witnessed, and the outbreak bubonic plague that wiped out a large percentage of population in Western Europe. Some individuals refer to 21st century as calamitous just as the 14th c while others oppose this claim. This paper discusses the events that happened during the 14th c and their effects, and evidences that the 21st century is transformative rather than calamitous.There are three 14th century main events that legitimize the term à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"calamitous age.à ¢Ã¢â ¬ These are the hundred yearsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ war in 1337, the great schism and Avignon papacy in 1309-1378 and the bubonic plague in the mid of the century. These contributed to enormous death and destruction. As a result of the progressive confrontation between France and Engl and, the hundred yearsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ war destroyed Europe. This interrupted agricultural production, caused famine and widespread destruction (Fiero 2). The Avignon papacy was a period when the pope seat was shifted from Rome to Avignon. This led to division in the Roman Catholic Church as disputing parties wanted the seat to remain in Rome. In 1378, it was shifted to Rome, resulting to two popes, one in Rome and another in Avignon. This was a difficult time for catholic followers, and led to what is known as the great schism; the division among catholic people in lines of the location of the office pope. The Bubonic plague led to deaths of many people. It arrived in Europe from Middle East (Fiero 4). Today, in many European churches, à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"dance of deathà ¢Ã¢â ¬ is usually a reminder of how the plague killed people despite their social status. The plague had no cure, and its causes were not known. During the deaths resulting from the bubonic plague, the medieval people tho ught that God had forgotten them and, therefore, moved from the sacred to the secular thinking and it is represented in their arts (painting).The hundred yearsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ war uprooted tradition and corruption bred cynicism. Gunpowder warfare outmoded traditional methods of combat. The relocation of papacy from Rome to Avignon and the Great Schism led to decline of monarchical power in popes (Fiero 3). Controversy within the church led to popes having constitutional power and ministerial authority. The bubonic plague led to the collapse of the medieval order alongside military, political and economic unrest (Fiero 7).Changes in European society represent a hastening of trends which are already in place. As a result of the hundred yearsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ war, European people think of a king as the national leader who fights for the glory of the country. Also, French monarchs have more power and prestige than before. Due to the Great Schism and Avignon Papacy that led to the division of popul ation, today, the pope is a constitutional ruler, has a ministerial authority and, the community has the power to chastise, judge or depose him if possible. The Bubonic plague (Black Death) set the foundation for modern medicine which initiated changes in hospital management and public health. Today, the European society gives emphasis to medical research and has established modern health facilities.The calamitous events of the 14th century manifest in the sculpture of Claus Sluter and in manuscript lighting, as in panel and fresco painting, true-to-life detail and emotional expressiveness replaced Gothic abstraction and stylization (Fiero 19).The 21st century is transformative and not calamitous. Though there are catastrophes like floods (Tsunami) and disease outbreak that are experienced, the public health and disaster management sectors respond to such issues speedily. There have been wars between terror groups and nations. However, the approach of the wars is usually strategic, and each nation focuses on the protection of its people, unlike what happened during the hundred yearsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ war. Also, the papal schism caused division among people along racial lines that is, the French and Italians who had controversies on the pope office. Government authorities and nations ...
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